Syrian male refugees are currently portrayed in German media as strong and energetic, sometimes threateningly individuals. Yet Syrian men also face strong gender specific vulnerabilities on their f light from Syria to Europe. This essay aims to examine three different kinds of vulnerabilities of Syrian men on their way from Syria over Lebanon to Germany: first persecution in Syria in regards to political activism and conscription, second racism in the host communities of Lebanon and Germany, and third pressure performed by transnationalized family connections. All these three aspects are closely intertwined with discourse and politics towards men and masculinities.
Stock, Miriam (2016), Überforderte Männlichkeiten – Junge Syrer auf der Flucht vom Nahen Osten nach Europa. Einsichten aus der Beratungsarbeit und dem persönlichen Umfeld. In: Feministische Studien (Themenheft: Gender und Politiken der Migration), Nr. 2, 311-324, 2016.
Juniorprof. Dr. Miriam Stock